
At CEF, we have a number of ways that we share the Gospel and disciple children.  Below, you find the list of ways that our chapter participates in:

Women sitting in shade

Teaching the Children

Good News Clubs®

This is an hour and a half weekly Bible class for children from 4-12 years old. These groups meet at schools, homes, community buildings, churches, apartment complexes, parks— just about anywhere the children can easily and safely meet with their parent's permission. Each week a teacher presents an exciting Bible lesson, songs, memory verses, review games, devotional time, and much more.

5-Day Clubs® & Vacation Bible Schools

These programs are similar to the Good News Clubs, but take place during summer or vacation periods. The class is 5 days per week for about an hour and a half geared towards children ages 5-12. The program includes Bible lessons, a missionary story in 5 episodes, songs, Bible memory verses, and outdoor games.

Monthly Party Clubs

Similar to Good News Clubs®, these are held once a month often with a seasonal theme.

Holiday Parties

Bible Club classes centered on holidays like Easter, Christmas and more.

Children’s Campaign 

These are usually hosted by a local church. They’re a christian reunion devoted entirely to children with the sole purpose of reaching neighborhood children with the Gospel.

Chapel/ Devotions 

Offered to Christian Schools. Takes place often during their weekly gathering 


CEF® sets up booths at local fairs to share the gospel with children who come to visit.

Attend to our Annual Fundraising Banquet !!!

Read our Newsletter to see how the Lord is working at CEF

Training the Teachers

Training Future Teachers

FREE training classes for people interested in becoming Bible teachers, CEF teachers, or want to learn how to reach children.

Every first Saturday of the month we demonstrate how to teach a Good News Club (a Bible club) either in a home, neighborhood or church (Sunday school). CEF provides a curriculum for a 5-year cycle. We show the complete set of lessons per volume. Each lesson includes resources for memory verses, review games, songs, how to share the Gospel effectively, evangelistic take-home activities, a Wonder Devotional Time for the children and challenges for the Christian child.

Summer & Vacation Bible School Training *

We demonstrate how to run an effective program to reach out to all of the neighborhood children. We use the same format from the 5-Day Club, but add crafts, competitions, outdoor games, song ideas, decoration ideas and much more. Since Spanish VBS curriculums are hard to find, we create our own curriculum for every training conference and sell it in our bookstore. 

Workshops *

Learn how to make flannel boards, color and display techniques, puppets, crafts, and much more. These are opportunities to improve technical skills.

Super Seminars® *

These seminars are designed to guide teachers and churches in how to prepare lessons even better. These classes expand and sharpen teaching abilities and preparation. They focus on teaching adults how children learn at their different stages. 

Holiday Training Conferences *

We show teachers how to host a “a party" for a specific topic, like “A Birthday Party for Jesus at Christmas”. These “parties'' are an excellent way to attract children that don’t go to church to hear a Bible lesson. 

Teaching Little Ones * Course

This 25-hour course, taught over 6-7 weekends, is designed to train people to work with children from 2 -5 years old. The cost of the course includes your materials as well as four Bible lessons, and eight object lessons to start your curriculum. You will receive a certificate of completion.

Teaching Children Effectively® Levels 1 and 2 Course *( TCE ) 

This course is recognized in Christian colleges all around the country and around the world. It lasts 40 hours. You will learn, step by step how to lead a child to Christ, how to prepare Bible lessons in detail. You will receive training in the following areas: the child in the New Testament, the importance of the teacher, how to have effective discipline in your classroom, and much more. The TCE® provides a certificate recognized in the US, Latin America, and the Caribbean. It also offers two (2) education credits for each course.  If you need more information, please contact us.

Note that the TCE course has a cost which covers all materials.

Christian Youth in Action®

The CYIA® program trains youth and young adults to teach fun and exciting 5-Day Clubs in the summer. It requires a week of intensive training with others interested in giving their time to reach children. Training and lodging are provided by the CEF state office. This training has a cost and we encourage people to raise funds as a summer missionary. A good way to introduce them to missions. 

Become a Summer Missionary

We offer training in how to reach children during the summer months.

*There is a cost to cover materials. See our calendar section for classes and trainings schedule.

Versión en español